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Board of Trustees


Randy Pollack

Dan Ott
First Vice-President

Originally from upstate New York, I began attending Mosaic Law Congregation as a law student. The shul has played an important role in my life as it is where I met my wife Bebe, celebrated my children’s B’nai Mitzvah and met life long friends. I look forward to ensuring that Mosaic Law Congregation remains a place of learning, friendship and Tzedakah for our community.  


Alex Zamansky
2nd Vice-President


Alice Cartwright

I grew up in Sacramento and became a Bar Mitzvah at Mosaic Law Congregation. I am a committed member of MLC having been Men's Club President and Board Treasurer. In addition to being the Second VP, I am also the Education Chair. My goals include expanding our education program and greater engagement with young families

A native of Toronto, I have been a member of MLC since 2001. This is my third year on the board, and prior to this, I was Sisterhood President. I am still involved in Sisterhood and I enjoy supporting my Mosaic Law Congregation family.


Mehrnaz Halimi Waks

Judy Weiner
Immediate Past President

I was born in Tehran and am a product of a Jewish Day School education. I came to the US for an advanced education, but the Islamic Revolution kept me here. I am the director of The Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning. I have been a member of Mosaic Law Congregation since 1975. I am married and have two adult sons.

Originally from Los Angeles, I have been a member of Mosaic Law Congregation for 35 years. My leadership roles at MLC include President, VP, Membership Chair and Gala Co-Chair in 2019. Other areas of interest include programming and event planning, Kiddush lunch prep and working in the Holocaust Memorial Garden located on our campus.


Josh Heller
Board Member

I am a multi-generational Mosaic Law Congregation member raised at the shul. I am married with two boys who love to come to MLC. I look forward to helping the synagogue continue to be an important contributor to the Sacramento-area Jewish Community.


Shira Gilbert
Board Member

I have belonged to Mosaic Law Congregation for 30 years. My husband Don and I raised our three children at the synagogue where they were all proud Sacramento USYers during high school. A vibrant Jewish community is extremely important to me. I have served on the Hillel, Shalom School and Hadassah Sacramento boards and I am excited to now be able to serve on the MLC Board.


Dr. Janis Lightman
Board Member

Susi Mano
Board Member

Phil Fine
Board Member

Naomi Masoner-Gould
Board Member

Mosaic Law Congregation is the place where I feel at home, sharing the pride and joy of my Jewish life and identity. Our beloved community has nurtured me and my family for 34 years. I am most proud of starting Tot Shabbat and leading children's services for many years.

I have been a member of Mosaic Law Congregation for almost 30 years. I am active in Sisterhood and enjoy reading Torah. I am excited to be able to serve on the MLC Board.

Grant Rabenn
Board Member

I moved to Sacramento around 5 years ago after living in different parts of the U.S., and joined MLC after trying out other synagogues in the area. I was raised in the Reform Movement but now greatly enjoy and prefer attending a Conservative shul. My goal as a board member is to further develop MLC’s support for Israel, to combat anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism, and to find ways to increase MLC’s membership.

Nathan Weisberg
Board Member

I have been part of the Mosaic Law Community all my life, and I'm pleased to now serve on the board of the shul where I was named and bar mitzvahed!  I'm eager to help MLC grow and flourish as the vibrant and welcoming place we all know it to be.

I grew up at MLC during some of the best years in terms of membership, community, and involvement. My hope is to create a similar environment for my own children, and to combat antisemitism by engaging with parents on how to bring their culture into their children's schools, and empower them to be strong Jewish advocates for their children and community. 

Stephanie Goldman
Board Member

I grew up in the Sacramento region and began attending services at Mosaic Law eight years ago. Now, my husband and I are raising our two wild little boys here, instilling in them the strong Jewish values that are important to us. I feel incredibly privileged to serve on the board and contribute to a community that means so much to us.


Pat Thaler
Sisterhood President

David Sforza
MLC 2030 President

Dr. Dwight Freund
KOH President

Bill and I joined Mosaic Law when we moved to the area in 1980 and our children grew up in the shul. I look forward to leading Sisterhood this year with a program of Jewish learning, friendship, and serving the congregation.

Originally from Los Angeles, I moved to Sacramento  and started attending services at MLC 11 years ago after moving here to work in the State Capitol. I have proudly served on the MLC2030's board since 2018 and have been President since 2023. I look forward to continuing to serve as a voice for young adults in the congregation and providing a space for young professionals to enjoy Judaism both within and outside the synagogue. 

You want books? I got books! You want puzzles? I got puzzles!


Scott Huckleby
Men's Club President

Born in Los Angeles and raised in Oklahoma (Go Big Red!), HaShem plucked me up and dropped me in Sacramento. After searching for a place to raise my new family in Torah, MLC has been home for the last 14+ years. Serving Mosaic Law Congregation and the greater Sacramento Jewish community, it is an amazing honor for me to continue in the legendary footsteps of the previous Men's Club, forging new paths as Ambassadors of Hospitality.

Past Presidents


Alan Brodovsky                 Frank Gumpert                       *Elliot Pearl

*Louis Brodovsky               *Judah Jacobson                    Steven Polansky, MD

*Mark Cohn                       Marvin Kamras, MD                Sid Rosenberg

Alan Edelstein                   Jonathan Lightman                 Caren Rubin

*Morton Ehrlich, MD         David Long                             *Lee Shapiro

*Alex Fahn                         *A.J. Markowitz                     *Lewis Stein

*Leo Fahn                          Steven Mopsick                      Marc Sussman

*Morton Friedman             *Charles Nadler                      Steve Turtletaub

*Sam Finegold                   Michael Opper                       *Robert Zeff, MD

*Simon Gartler                   Mitchell Ostwald 

Deborah Gonzalez             Dan Ott 

Kenneth Goore                  *Arlene Pearl 


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Mosaic Law Congregation

2300 Sierra Blvd

Sacramento, CA 95825


Affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism

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