Life & Legacy Program
In 1900, a small group of Jewish pioneers and shared a dream of a Jewish community in Sacramento. They imagined a synagogue in which they and their fellow Jews could worship, educate their children, celebrate joyous occasions and create a sense of community. But they did more than imagine. They invested their time, energy and money to build our congregation.
Our members come from a variety of backgrounds, each with a sense of purpose as to how their synagogue should represent their values, their sense of tradition and its place in the Sacramento community. Today, we are the very essence of what those Jewish pioneers envisioned in 1900—a touch point for what the community’s needs are now and into the future.
Mosaic Law Congregation’s first 100+ years were their gift to us. The next 100+ years are in our hands. We invite you to join us in perpetuating their legacy by being recognized as a guarantor as the next century’s founders.
When thinking about the future, we all worry about the worldly needs of those we will leave behind. But we must also concern ourselves with the world they will inherit. By including Mosaic Law Congregation in your estate planning, you will ensure that Judaism, Torah and community will continue to flourish. Your gift guarantees a Jewish future in Sacramento!
Mosaic Law Congregation is a proud partner of the Jewish Community Foundation of the West’s Legacy Initiative and its sponsoring entity, the Harold Grinspoon Foundation. For information on participating in this initiative at MLC, contact our Endowment Campaign Chair, Dr. Steven Polansky.