Team Isaiah

Team Isaiah represents our passionate and sustained goal to promote social justice. With a "We will do" attitude, our goal is to support those in need by providing basic goods and services. We seek to address the needs of the community and make a positive difference in people's lives. From our enslavement in Egypt some 4,000 years ago to the modern immigrant experience, the Jewish social ethic has always been marked by an ongoing commitment to individuals standing at the outer edge of society. The committee and synagogue community reaches out to Jews and non-Jews alike, locally, in Israel, and across the globe.
The biblical prophets preached that a Judaism of study and observance is incomplete without a pledge to bettering the condition of those in need. Racism, poverty, hunger, violence and social neglect abound and cry out for a Jewish response. Only when we throw ourselves towards social justice do we fulfill our mandate as Jews. Only when our community rallies to the cry of "We will do" is our Judaism expressed in its full vitality.
All are invited to participate and share in making Mosaic Law Congregation a community linked by a passionate commitment to Tikkun Olam. Action comes through participation so please join and help strengthen our committee.
For information or to join Team Isaiah, please contact Jack Zorman, jayzee@surewest.net.
- Thu, Dec 01Mosaic Law Congregation

Thanksgiving Food Drive: We provide complete Thanksgiving meals including turkeys to over 150 families (about 650 people) throughout Sacramento, including families that are low-income, student-led, affected by recent fire disasters, or farm workers. Over 25 volunteers organize the MLC campus to receive food donations, purchase food items, sort and package meal boxes, and distribute meals.
Family Promise: This nationwide program matches one family of parents and children in need of emergency shelter with volunteers for one to two weeks. Family Promise provides Team Isaiah with the resources, like furniture, to temporarily convert an office or classroom into a place of family shelter. Team Isaiah provides kosher meals to the family during its stay.
Homegrown Produce Collection: Our volunteer identifies and tracks produce homegrown by MLC members and friends and organizes volunteers to collect and the produce and deliver it to the Sacramento Food Bank
Meal Distribution to our Neighbors without a House: Volunteers make bagged lunches with warm foods for distribution every Friday, while volunteers deliver the meals throughout Arden Arcade. Recipients include people living within multi-purpose tent encampments. Meals can also include hygiene kits and other daily needed supplies. Coordinated with the Arden Arcade Homeless Assistance Resource Team (HART)
Esther's Bath: Volunteers donate new, individual-sized personal care products, including toothbrushes and hand-sanitizer to be included in hygiene kits, provided as part of the Meal Distribution for our Neighbors without a House.