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Visiting Mosaic Law: What to Expect

If you are not a member and wish to visit Mosaic Law for a Friday evening, Saturday morning, or holiday service, please contact our Office Manager, Coral Wilson, before Friday at noon for Shabbat, or the day before the holiday starts. Make sure to include your name and cell phone number, along with your make, model, color, and license number of your vehicle.


For security reasons, you need to be on our list to be admitted, including those arriving by foot or bicycle.

Whether it’s your first time or you’ve been with us before, we want you to feel welcome and included at Mosaic Law Congregation. No matter where you are on your Jewish journey, or if you are a non-Jewish guest, we encourage you to ask questions, engage in conversation, and share your thoughts on your experience.


Please note the following and don’t hesitate to approach the clergy or the congregants with questions. If someone doesn’t know the answer, they’ll point you in the right direction.


  • Head Covering (Kippah): Following Jewish practice, males of all ages should have their head covered at all times while on our congregational grounds, including lunch. Most wear a Kippah (Yarmulke) available in the Sanctuary foyer although a nice hat will also work. When it’s not a prayer service, a baseball cap or other informal hat is fine.

Women are not required to keep their heads covered except when on the bimah (platform in the front of the Sanctuary). Hats and doilies are both acceptable with the latter available in the Sanctuary foyer.


  • Prayer Shawl (Tallit): During morning services, Jewish men generally don a Tallit, which are available in the Sanctuary foyer. Jewish women are invited, but not required, to do so as well. Please return them after services.


  • Food: Mosaic Law Congregation follows the laws of kashrut (Kosher) under the supervision of Rabbi Herman. Please do not bring outside food or drink onto the campus except for bottled water. 


  • Decorum: We try to maintain decorum during services, particularly during the Torah reading and our rabbi’s sermon. People often arrive later than the posted start time and we welcome them to available seats. Feel free to take a break during the service although there may times where you will be asked to wait before reentering.


If you are visiting on a Saturday morning Bar or Bat Mitzvah, you may see a piece of soft candy underneath the first few rows in the Sanctuary. It is there to shower the celebrant with sweets at a specific point in the service. When signaled, please toss the candy gently toward the Bar or Bat Mitzvah (toward the person, not the Torah or other religious objects). This is a nice custom, but it's critically important to protect the sanctity of the religious space and not injure those on the bimah. 


  • Photography, Cell Phones, Writing: Our Shabbat (Sabbath) and Jewish holiday observances are designed as spiritual experiences. As such, we follow the traditional Jewish practices of not taking pictures, not using cell phones, and not writing anywhere on the synagogue grounds.


If you need to address an emergency, please find a quiet space to do what is required. Judaism prioritizes the preservation of life above religious practice, and we absolutely make exemptions in such situations.


  • Accommodation for Persons with Disabilities: For those with an honor on the Bimah, there is a ramp on the left side. If you need further accommodation, please connect with the clergy or lay leaders.  

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